Wushu, also known as kungfu is a non-contact martial art combining the element of performance and martial application. Wushu training provides a complete body workout. Children learning wushu achieve a wide range of benefits including:
Many children in urban areas are deprived from exercise, leading to obesity and many health issues. Learning wushu will help the little ones grow into healthy adults with a strong body. All the weekly, intensive drills will strengthen the core muscles, improve flexibility and also enhance reflexes in children. Better stamina and faster reflexes are also seen after wushu training.
Correct posture and balance are emphasised during wushu training. The core muscles which are the abdominal, back and pelvic muscles become very toned over years of training. For Changquan routines, strong core muscles are essential for the jumps, high kicks, flips, running and squats movements involved.
Mind-body coordination is developed because a clear, focused mind is required to do the complex wushu routines accurately. Lack of concentration can lead to injury sometimes. Before starting the routine, students are taught to use their intent prior to every movement made. Students use their mind to direct the body to accomplish a certain physical movement.
An increase in self-confidence is seen in almost every wushu student over time. This happens gradually due to the improved physical fitness, the ability to accomplish certain routines, and constant encouragement from coach and teammates.
Regular, systematic wushu training instills self-discipline in students. A proficient wushu master has devoted a lot of time, hard work and patience to master his skills. It takes constant practice and perseverance to achieve the mastery of the body, mind and spirit.
Respect is a very important value in martial arts. Students are taught to respect their instructor, themselves and also one another. Respecting others is a way of honouring their experience and expertise. By respecting others, the student shows that he is also ready to receive that knowledge.
Learning wushu greatly enhances the student’s body awareness. He is aware of his body’s abilities and limits. This comes in handy when there is a need for self-defence. Although wushu is a martial art, students are taught to find other peaceful ways to resolve confllicts. Fighting skills are kept for emergency situations only.
A strong sense of fellowship exists within the team of wushu students. It is a special bond fostered by the shared experience during training as they have the common goal of moving towards the higher levels. The benefit of having the strong support of teammates especially during competitive events is immeasurable.
We offer Tai Chi and Wushu classes in Petaling Jaya and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Contact us at 012-2211430 or email us at huayingwushu@gmail.com for more details.